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软件开放1年前 (2023-07-29)559

1、高中英语海报范文1 一中二年级一班和三年级五班将于12月16日530Pm在学校足球场举行一场足球比赛,请你代表一中用英文写一份海报Poster AMATCH TimeDec16th,530pm PlaceTheSchoolSoccerField ItemAfootballm。

2、1 以海报为题写一篇英语作文60词 Poster There will be an exciting basketball match!Teams New York City basketball team vs our school basketball team Place the basketball courtTime 4,2008 O。

3、1With the improvement of our living standard, more and more people can afford a car As a result, our roads are more often than not crammed with cars However, with more and more waste gas being d。

4、英语海报格式范文如下Dear XX,I have a piece of good news to tell youA lecture on ___ will be held in Readingroom II of our library at ___具体时间The lecturer is by ___ from New York。


5、1 English is now a world language, it is used everywhere in the worldAnd there are multi centers for world English and no variety is superior to another2 the features of the varieties of English in。

6、短篇英语作文篮球赛The Basketball Game篮球赛The game was scheduled to start at start at eight o#39clock on Friday night Long before that, people began to arrive at the gymnasium By seventhirty the seats were al。

7、As the vivid cartoon depicts, a little boy throws a package that still contains foods away, and an old woman picked it upThe purpose of the picture is to reveal that there is more and more wasteful。

8、let people deliberately drive ten miles to eat his fill soupI was going to use the Spring Festival time to taste家门前的“好再来面馆”正式开张了,那是一个很有国际范的意大利面馆面馆的面味道很好,在种意。

9、In order to call on all teachers and students#39 to take enough exercise and keep fit,our school has decided to hold a sports meeting from this Wednesday to Friday on the playground。

10、Poster Friday,June 19th,2010 Fellow students,are you good at English?Do you want to improve you oral English? Please just join us!Here#39s a good chance to show your oral English and improve itthe。

11、It is the time to walk out of classroom and do some sport! for your health, fun, and great time togetherThe Sports Club has arranged the some games for you, please come and join us, and for the。

12、Just take out your courage and enjoy it! We wish you good luck!Student Union of English Department 发布时间注如果是针对全校的,怕是有些学生不认识活没耐心去看英文海报,最好配中文的一并发布为好。

13、always choose to finish it ahead, because I don’t want to have pressure The choice I make helps me to be a strong person。

14、A Healthy Breakfast Breakfasts are very important for usA healthy breakfast is even more importantFirst,after a long sleeping at night,our bodies used up all of the energy,and we need to make new energy。


16、Peaches can be red, pink, yellow, white, or a combination of those colors On one side of the fruit is a distinctive vertical indentationThis juicy sweet fruit is characterized by a soft, fuzzy skin。





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